Be more focus on your employees actions on the needs of the customer at every step of their journey.

Workflow for non-technical business managers

The Sugar Customer Journey solution enables you to choreograph every interaction your customer relationship professionals have with your customer and supplier stakeholders. You can also track your customer’s progress through the evaluation, selection, purchasing and on-boarding steps of their journey with you.
By automating these customer journey mapping processes using your existing Sugar deployment, you ensure everyone is working together and is
informed about what actions to take at every step along the way.

The result: you accelerate the customer’s progress, deliver improved satisfaction and enable your employees to stay on top of their game. It’s a win-win for everyone.


Knowledge is good, but action is what matters

Let’s say you’ve mapped your customer journey. You incorporate best practices when defining the various activities spanning all stages within the journey.

But how can you turn your understanding into improved business performance? This is where you leverage the power of our customer journey management software. Using Sugar’s workflow, you can now automate various business processes to improve your customer experience and satisfaction while accelerating their progress through the decision cycle.

Each process is assigned to the right employee so that everyone can view and take the necessary action across any device. You empower your employees to be always in the know and drive activities that meet your customer’s needs. Now that’s powerful.


Getting started is easy

Non-technical professionals can now create customer journey mapping templates – with no help from IT!

Your professionals can simply leverage the easy-to-use, visual guide that shows what activities need to be performed for every customer interaction.